The LOGO and the colour RED

The LOGO displays the surface of a stamp from the Anatolian settlement Çatalhöyük. During the 7th and 6th millennium B.C., people used stamps to decorate their bodies with coloured geometrical patterns. In this way they adorned themselves before big ceremonial occasions. These festivities, with music, dancing and plenty of food, constituted an essential element of the stability of this egalitarian society.

Frequent feasting on the roofs of the town fostered mutual bonds of affection. This can be deduced from the fact that there is not a single skeleton from the 1200 years of history of this town that shows indications of a violent death.

The COLOUR RED connects Neolithic communism with our own hope for a humane society in the future. In those times, red was the colour of life. A dead person was sprinkled with red colour in preparation for rebirth. Red also became the colour of protection and love and was omnipresent in the society of Çatalhöyük.

In Phrygia in Central Anatolia, the colour red remained linked to the idea of freedom for thousands of years after. In the Roman Republic, for example, it was customary to give to released slaves not only their deeds but also a red Phrygian cap as a sign of their freedom.

During the French revolution, the Jacobines reverted to this Roman custom and made the red cap their own symbol. The people taking part in storming the Tuileries, mainly members of the proletariat, took over the colour red from the Jacobines' caps and, for the first time, carried red flags.

Since that time, the red flag is regarded as the symbol of the labour movement.

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